14 April 2012


Here are all my memoirs in a sequence. 
Memoirs of Ria 

1. A simple life (22 Jan 2008)
2. My wedding and related incidents (23 November 2008)
3. Good news (27 September 2009)
4. The long wait (14 Jan 2010)
5. Everyday is a miracle (01 June 2010)
6. Parenthood and some other things (14 March 2011)
7. Summer with Daughter (19 september 2011)
8. Paradise (27 Feb 2012)
9. I'm just fine (17 June 2012)
10. Sun is sleeping (31 October 2012)
11. Parenting, Memories (16 March 2013)

Some more memoirs...


  1. Hey Ravi! We are glad to have multiple entries from you. Hope you enjoyed participating in the contest as much as we enjoyed reading your blogs. Your blogs are very nice. Wish you all the best for the contest.
    - Team imlee

    1. Thank you Ashwini for the feed back. I am glad you liked my posts.

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